Eternium end game bounty hunter
Eternium end game bounty hunter

These have cooldowns of 10 seconds and longer. Additionally you have up to three active abilities on your keys 1, 2, and 3.Up to two attacks for your left and right mouse button.In Eternium your hero has three kinds of abilities. You should carry some in your inventory at all times! Abilities At the beginning you will encounter health potions and apples – both restore hit points during a fight. You will need these later for crafting strong items.Īnd then there are consumable. That gives you resources like cloth or essence of water. Items that you do not need (anymore) can be salvaged in the village. Just use every slot to put whatever item gives you the biggest damage increase. Eternium will calculate the impact that switching an item will have – so you don’t have to calculate yourself if +10 power is better or worse the +5% critical damage.Īs a Bounty Hunter, you should focus ONLY on damage when selecting items. Make sure to regularly equip the strongest items.

eternium end game bounty hunter

And in the village there is a stash with even more space.Īt the beginning, you will find stronger items every few minutes. Additionally to the currently equipped items, you have an inventory with additional storage.

eternium end game bounty hunter

Your Bounty Hunter can carry items like pistols, rings, boots, a belt, and trousers.

Eternium end game bounty hunter